
Showing posts from October, 2018


Key Verse:  “”You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth?””   (Galatians 5:7) What a wonderful thing it is when someone is converted! A truly converted person is born again (1 Peter 1:23); saved (Romans 10:9); justified (Romans 5:1); and is made a partaker of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4). Do you recall the day of your conversion, or if you do not remember the day, are you sure you have been converted? But it is inexpressibly sad when one who has been truly converted turns back (Acts 7:39); backslides (Proverbs 14:14); becomes lukewarm (Revelation 3:16); loses his first love (Revelation 2:4). What a tragedy – to be out-and-out for Christ, a soul-winner, an earnest worker, and then to turn away from the Lord! There were those in the Galatian Church in AD 56 (when Paul wrote his letter), who had been turned aside by false teachers who had succeeded in getting them into bondage again to the Law. The thought conveyed in our k...

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Study 7

THE MARKS OF THE LORD JESUS Key Verse: ““For I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.”” (Galatians 6:17) The apostle Paul wore a badge that marked him out as being a true servant of our Lord Jesus Christ. He bore in his body the marks of the Lord Jesus. Is there anything about us that marks us out as belonging to Christ and identifies us with Him? The word “”I”” is emphatic in the Greek. Paul said, ““I bear in my body the marks of Jesus.”” Was he boasting? No, but in this letter Paul was vindicating his ministry. Many of the Jewish teachers had subverted these Galatian Christians into believing that he was not truly an apostle because he had not known the Lord Jesus in the days of His flesh. So Paul compared himself with these judaising teachers and he asked, ““Have they the marks of the Lord Jesus upon them? No –- but I have!”” What is the proof of our attachment to Christ? Is it the words we speak? No, not primarily. There should be some distinctive marks about our lives that identify ...

Study 6

THE CONQUEST OF WORRY Key Verse:  ““Who are you that you fear mortal men……that you live in constant terror every day……because of the wrath of the oppressor?””  (Isaiah 51:12-13) This study is a very simple one, but its aim is to deliver a death-blow at this terrible “oppressor” called Worry. A modern writer has entitled his best-selling book, ““How to Stop Worrying and Start Living”” –- and we might well take that for the title of this present Bible study. But do we need such a study? Yes, for most of us worry either about something that happened yesterday, something that is almost certainly going to happen today, or something that may or may not happen tomorrow –- and yet it is still perfectly true that – – ““If we worry we do not trust; if we trust we do not worry””.  With our Bible open before us, let us emphasise two main truths: it is both  sinful  and  foolish  for a Christian to worry.   1. WHY IS IT SINFUL FOR A CHRISTIAN TO WORRY? ...

Study 5

WHY, WHEN AND HOW TO PRAY Key Verse:  ““…they should always pray and not give up.””  (Luke 18:1) Nothing is more important in the life of the Christian than that there should be a right understanding of, and a regular engaging in, the privilege of prayer. Prayer means contact with, communion with and fellowship with God. It is not simply asking God for things, though it does include that. Our Lord related the parable in Luke 18:1-8 in order to stress the great importance of prayer. He said, “”they should always pray…”…” This, of course, is a comprehensive word; it is the privilege of all to pray, and in this chapter 18 of Luke’’s Gospel we are given five examples: a praying widow (verse 3); a praying Pharisee (verse 10); a praying publican (verse 13); a praying ruler (verse 18); and a praying beggar (verse 38). 1. WHY should we pray? There are many answers to this question, but let us confine our answer to the suggestion that arises out of the word ““should””. It mean...

Series 4

GROWING IN THE CHRISTIAN LIFE – by Francis Dixon Study 1 BEING BORN INTO GOD’S FAMILY Study 1 BEING BORN INTO GOD’S FAMILY (Scripture Portion: John 1: 1-16) There is only one way of entrance into the family of God, and that is by being born into that family. The way… Study 2 FIRST STEPS IN THE NEW LIFE   (Scripture Portion: Acts 9: 1-31) In the verses before us we have the dramatic account of the conversion of Saul of Tarsus, who was so wonderfully brought face to face with the risen Lord… Study 3 THE ONE THING NEEDED (Scripture Portion: Luke 10: 38-42) One thing is absolutely necessary if we are to live a healthy, happy and useful Christian life. Do you know what that one thing is? Mary and Martha were entertaining… Study 4 LIVING VICTORIOUSLY (Scripture Portion: Exodus 14: 1-14) Many of God’s children are living defeated, unsatisfying and unsatisfactory lives. They have never entered into the experience of the peaceful life (Isaiah 30: 15); the overflowing l...

Study 3

DOING WHATEVER HE SAYS Key Verse:  ““Do whatever he tells you.””  (John 2:5) In our key verse we have the golden rule of a happy and useful Christian life. Do we want to know His joy, peace and blessing upon our service? Do we want our life to be well-pleasing to Him in all things? Do we want our prayers to be answered? Are we seeking fresh and enlarged fields of service –- and do we need guidance?  Then we must do what He says.  If we can live in obedience to this golden rule we shall always be filled with the glory of His presence, power and blessing. Read John 2:1-11, and notice what a remarkable claim Mary makes for the Lord Jesus –- ““Whatever He says, however contrary it may seem to your ideas, do it!”” How can she be so confident? Because He was, and is, unique. He is the Son of God. 1. Consider the fact that He does speak to us today He speaks to us just as He spoke to the servants 2000 years ago (verses 7 and 8). But how does He speak? 1.  He...