Study 2


Key Verse: “We are yours, O David! We are with you…”…” ” (1 Chronicles 12: 18)
In this chapter David is brought before us as a type of the Lord Jesus Christ, ““great David’’s greater Son””. David was God’’s appointed and anointed king, but only a few accepted him as such, for the majority were on the side of Saul. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the rightful King. God has appointed and anointed Him ““and gave him the name that is above every name”” (Philippians 2:9) –- but only a few accept Him as such; the vast majority reject Him.
Our Lord is now rejected
And by the world disowned;
By the many still neglected,
And by the few enthroned.
During his rejection David needed men who not only believed in him secretly but who would come out boldly and be his followers, and this is what our King needs today. In this study we shall see the kind of men and women our Lord needs. What are the characteristics of those who belong to the King and whom He needs?

1. He needs a variety of men who come to Him out of every tribe and nation

Read verses 24-37 and notice the description given of the men who came to David out of many different tribes. Today, while our King is rejected by the world, the Holy Spirit is calling out a people who in a special sense belong to Him and are on His side. This is the divine plan for this present dispensation –- look up Acts 15:14-16, and compare Luke 19:12. Just as King David’’s loyal subjects came to him day by day, so the Holy Spirit is calling out men and women day by day to be the loyal subjects of our Saviour-King –- look up Acts 2:47. Do you belong to this company of “”called out”” ones who have been born again by the Holy Spirit (1 Peter 1:23), redeemed by the precious blood of Christ (1 Peter 1:19), and recognise the Lord Jesus as Saviour and King?

2. He needs men who are separated unto Him

Read verse 8. Our weakness often is that we are mixed up with the world –- look up 2 Timothy 2:4, and compare 2 Corinthians 6:17 and Hebrews 13:13. It is a sad thing when in these days Christians side with those who in their hearts reject the King. In this chapter we see that David required men of quality –- selected, separated men. Are you one of these?

3. He needs men fully trained and equipped for warfare

Read verses 2, 8 and 38. Do not imagine that to be a Christian is an easy-going business! The kind of soldiers our Lord wants is indicated by these verses:
      “…“…armed with bows……who could use both the right hand and the left in hurling stones and shooting arrows……men of might……men of war fit for the battle, that could handle shield and buckler, whose faces were like the faces of lions, and were as swift as the roes upon the mountains……men that could keep rank……with a perfect heart.”
The warfare in which we are engaged is a stern one, and our Enemy is very powerful (Ephesians 6:12). If we are to be of any use in waging this great spiritual warfare we must be trained, disciplined and properly equipped, and know not only how to put on the whole armour of God (Ephesians 6:13-17), but how to use the two weapons –- the Word of God (Hebrews 4:12) and the prayer of faith (James 5:15, 17 and 18). Also, we must be men who have ““understanding of the times”” –- see verse 32.

4. He needs men who will count the cost

The warfare in which David’s men were engaged was a very costly one, but they were willing to go ahead, even if it meant death. Look at verse 15 and picture the scene –- a company of men crossing Jordan when the river was in flood; they were men of grit and backbone. And with all the forces of evil, with all the difficulties that confront the true servants of God and with all the efforts of Satan to overthrow the Word of God, Christians are needed who have grit and backbone –- of the Daniel type (Daniel 6:10, 16-24), and of the Barnabas and Paul type (Acts 15:26)! It is very costly to be a Christian in many parts of the world today, and maybe many of us who have thus far been spared may have to suffer real persecution for Christ’s sake before long.

 5. He needs men of supernatural strength

Read the second part of verse 8 and verse 21. What mighty men David had in his army! Here we have an illustration of the fact that one with God is a majority –- look up Deuteronomy 32:30. David with his sling, plus God, is a match for any Goliath (1 Samuel 17:50); Gideon and his 300, plus God, is a match for any invading army (Judges 7:22); Peter, plus God, can easily secure his 3000 (Acts 2:14 and 41). How have such great victories been achieved by such ‘ordinary’ men and women? See verse 18 – – “the Spirit of the Lord”” –- the Holy Spirit (Zechariah 4:6; Acts 1:8). The need today is for men and women strong in faith (Romans 4:19-20) and filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 4:31).

6. He needs men of unquestioned loyalty

Look at verses 16-18, and compare Matthew 11:6. It is easy to doubt and fear if we look at circumstances, but it is vital that through all the worsening conditions around us we remain loyal to our King.

7. He needs men who are possessed with one supreme desire

Verses 23, 31 and 38 tell us that David’s men had one burning desire –- to make him king; that also should be our desire. Our King is surely coming –- soon! In the light of His coming, and on the eve of His coming, can you look up into His face and say –- verse 18?


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